Recommendations on the topic are determined by the quality and duration, support and preparation of the mother.

The first and one of the most important recommendations leading the breastfeeding rules is to start breastfeeding as soon as possible after birth. Mom’s milk includes a unique composition of nutrients and antibodies that help the baby to develop and strengthen the immune system.

Next, it is important to follow the principle of feeding on demand. This means that the baby should be fed immediately when signs of hunger are detected. This approach helps to meet nutritional needs, develops good eating habits and promotes emotional bonding.

Proper posture is equally important. Mommy should ensure that the infant is in a comfortable, proper position to avoid injury and discomfort for both.

Support and preparation of the mother plays an important role in the process of GW. Appropriate knowledge and skills on the topic, as well as support from medical staff and family, should be obtained.

Following the guidelines is an important part. Keeping these tips in mind will help make the process enjoyable and rewarding.

Instruction for breastfeeding

The importance of mom’s milk has long been recognized. However, despite this, you should continue to emphasize its importance, taking into account the rules of breastfeeding. And to help understand the process itself, a brief instruction for GW will help:

  • preconception – get information about the process itself before you give birth. Read books, watch videos, and participate in childbirth preparation classes to learn more about breastfeeding;
  • Preparation – take time in advance to familiarize yourself with comfortable feeding positions. It is important to create a comfortable environment;
  • the beginning of GW – the first time to put the baby to the breast is desirable immediately after birth, even before the placenta comes off;
  • frequent and prolonged applications – feed on demand, without waiting for a certain schedule. This will help to maintain lactation and meet the needs of the baby;
  • proper attachment – the baby should fully grasp the areola of the nipple, chin against the breast, tongue under the nipple, nose touching the breast. With proper feeding, the baby should suck without nipping and the cheeks should not retract;
  • self-care – ensure adequate rest, water and a balanced diet. A healthy mother is the key to successful breastfeeding. By the way, baby water will be a safe hydration option for pregnant and nursing moms;
  • Seeking support – if problems or questions arise, contact a health care professional for support and advice.

By following these simple steps, you can successfully breastfeed your baby while enjoying a special moment together.